10 man Scout Squad bolters (no upgrades)
2 Landspeeder Storms (no upgrades)
2 Landspeeders (in a squadron) 1x Assault Cannon upgrade 1x Heavy Bolter upgrade
400pts exactly
Figure I would combat squad up the scouts and put them each into the 2 Landspeeder Storms. Then just buzz around and try and stay out of range of folks, whilst still trying to use my regular landspeeders to take out my opponents. I could also use the Storms as mobile firing platforms. or just use them to grab last minute objectives. Serious, if I just move six inches with each of em... that would be 4 str 6, 15 str 5 (36' range) & 10 str 4 shots.. not too bad. but who knows, will see how it goes after play testing a couple times.
But here are some pictures of my finished Storm and scout squad...
All the scouts are magnetized and so are the bases, there are some earlier posts showing some of the work.
As always would love to hear peoples comments, especially on this one, with peoples thoughts about my Combat Patrol list.
First of all, I have to cheer for any landspeeder storm I see. It's just such a great (and underutilized) option.
At first I didn't realize that your "magnetized" speeder included magnets for all of the crew. Very snazzy there. Did you magnetize the powerfist? I think I picked him out of the speeder picture, but he looks like he just has a stub for an arm there...
Lastly, I wanted to thank you for turning me on to scouts in combat squads. Such a brilliantly simple idea. I have no earthly idea why I didn't think of that sooner.
Nice list for a scout squad. I love the magnetized landspeeder squad I think I will take that Idea for my scout squad. It will help it move faster and way safer.
Nice to see those all finished up. Looking great! I'll be posting my end of the year works in the next week or so. Looks like we've both been pretty busy.
I'd recommend taking something to handle armor, which you very well might see in a 400 point list, albeit weaker than in larger games. You'll still see Chimeras, Basilisks, Razorbacks, Devilfish, Raiders, Rhinos, etc... and the assault cannons and powerfist alone just won't cut it. Maybe melta bombs, or a missile launcher or two (can you take 2 in a 10 man scout squad?).
I think your right, pretty sure I can take 2 melta guns and just remove the assault cannon and extra heavy bolter... need to play around with this list for sure, well need to play test this list for sure!!!!
I'm down to play some combat patrol sir.
I didn't realize you could take melta guns in scout squads, those would definitely do the trick... maybe drop one speeder to give you upgrades to the squads, and whatever you can stick on the storms, and then bulk up with another 5 scouts or whatever you can afford with the leftover points?
great!!! i like this!
man this is completely cool, I love to see magnetization like this.
Very nice work!
You showed me yours, this is mine.
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