Ever since I was a little kid, I was fascinated with WW2 history. I would go to the library and sit for hours and check out the different books on the subject (and there were plenty). My first models were snap-together WW2 planes and tanks that I painted with testors paints straight out of the bottle. At age 8, I could tell you what a Messerschmidt was.
With my introduction to wargaming a few years back, it was only a matter of time before I picked up a WW2 game. Flames of War is probably the most popular, and I hope to get many games in. The ability to command a full army with tank and artillery support is something that really appeals to me.
I'm very happy to see that Adepticon is offering a small tournament in 2010, and I have been slowly and steadily working on what initially started out as a side project, but has become somewhat of a front-burner army lately.
So here are my first 1000 or so points of Flames of War Soviets. I feel very accomplished to have gotten these done to a photographable level. I would still like to add another level of highlights to all the infantry, but for now, I'm calling them completed to a table top standard.
I still have another 3 Strelkovy Platoons (that are about 1/3 of the way done), 5 t-34s, some artillery and a company of Stalin's Organs (Katayushas) to finish up. That will pretty much be a completed 2000 point army.
The 122s have freehand numbering, and some additional grab bars and chains that I slapped on during assembly. The one to the left says "victory!" in Russian. I like the way that that weathering came out, and while I was worried that it was going to be excessive, they actually look better in person than they do in the pictures. I spent an evening on these from start to finish, and it didn't feel rushed at all.
I love the way that 15mm paints up. Very quick, but large enough to leave some room for additional details like the sand bags on the ZIS-3 gun in the foreground.
Oh, and I still haven't gotten a single game in with them yet... So cross your fingers for me, and hopefully they don't totally suck!!! I mean, they're meant to die in droves, but hopefully with some effect. Death to the hitlerites!

ZIS-3 Guns: "Baby Gods of War"

ISU-122 Heavy Assault Gun Company

Strelkovy Battalion

Scout Platoon
The entire force, awaiting battle (very patiently).