I recently saw some Necromunda, Confrontation Tech Gang, Adeptus Mechanicus models on ebay and was completely hooked and just had to buy them. I'd never seen these sculpts before and was really stoked on em, so I ended up bidding more than i normally would have for old metal models... and wasn't let down when i won and received em in the mail...
They were all missing arms (except for the powerfist guy) he originally had a storm bolter in his left hand.. switched that out for a bolt pistol as there aren't very many storm bolter options in the IG codex. I also added green stuff cowls to all the models and made the rest into a flamer squad.. maybe they will be used as a veteran squad...
Anyways, its an overcast day so the photo's are a little dark, tried a couple different positions, so forgive me for the duplicates, but i just couldn't choose which looked better.
Without further ado...
here is the sergeant(?)

and here are the flamer dudes (there are only 3 models)...

This pair of eyes are the first ones im actually stoked on.. thank brian C for the input last time!

Thats it for now... i recently broke down and bought some Chimera's from GW that should be here tomorrow, so that will most likely be my next project!
Until then!