Here is the list
Interrogator Chaplain Boreas 120pts
Tactical Squad Peliel 200pts
Tactical Squad Lemael 210pts
Assault Squad Zaltys 300pts
Devastator Squad Heman 245pts
Ravenwing Squad Methaniel 100pts
Total Points 1175
Next up, Legio Crimson Mons for Combat Patrol

List is...
Veteran Squad Archapaleo (2x flamers; chimera) 135pts
Veteran Squad Techapaleo (1x meltagun; chimera) 135pts
Armoured Sentinel Phoenician(AutoCannon) 60pts
Armoured Sentinel Baalian (LasCannon) 70pts
Total Points 400
Last up, is my Kill Zone Special Operations List

Team Leader
Assault Marine Sergeant
Power Weapon
Hit and Run
Refractor Field
Close Combat Accessories
Total Cost 80
Assault Marine
Plasma Pistol
Gun Fighter
Close Combat Accessories
Total Cost 45
Plasma Canon
Total Cost 31
Heavy Bolter
Total Cost 26
Tactical Marine Sergeant
Power Weapon
Close Combat Accessories
Total Cost 48
Tactical Marine
Total Cost 19
Total Cost 249
And there we have it, all done!!! (well, not 100% sure my Killzone List is legal yet. currently working with the organizer to make sure) Models are packed up and ready to be shipped to Chicago ahead of time. Can't wait as its always so fun and sadly i missed last year, so not again!
Here is a sneak peak on a new Legio Crimson Mons Heavy Weapons Squad (missile launcher) conversion Im working on. Pretty cool me thinks...

Great stuff, here are links to my Chaplin and Librarian for the event.
awesome, those look great!!! Any tactical or scout squad photos?
I am redoing the tactical marines, but here is a link to my Photobuck album.
we should have a giant battle at the end of the narrative.. would be cool to see all the DA together!
If time allows I would be all for it, it is probably a good thing that I took that following Monday off from work.
The final scenario, Death by Moonlight is essentially the "big battle at the end." It'll happen.
Looking good everyone by the way!
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