So here are my Combat Patrol and Championship Armies..
First off my CP list.
Troops: Scout Squad #1
4 Scout Squad Bolt Pistol x4; Combat Blade x4
1 Sergeant Bolt Pistol; Power Fist
Fast Attack: Land Speeder Storm #1
1 Land Speeder Storm Multi-Melta
Troops: Scout Squad #2
4 Scout Squad Bolt Pistol x4; Combat Blade x4
1 Sergeant Bolt Pistol; Power Weapon
Fast Attack: Land Speeder Storm #2
1 Land Speeder Storm Heavy Flamer
Troops: Scout Squad #3
4 Scout Squad Bolt Pistol x4; Sniper Rifle x3; Missile Launcher
1 Sergeant Bolt Pistol; Sniper Rifle
Thoughts are... Squad 1 are my disposable, in your face first turn hopefully taking out a vehicle or 2 with Powerfist/Melta combo (with scout move). Squad #3, hide in cover, lay down suppressive fire, hustle if necessary to last minute objective grab/contest. Squad #2 is reactionary with flamer and Powersword, staying in the back for last minute objective grab/contest.
And here they are...

ps as you may have seen in my previous posts... the landspeeder storm scouts are all completely magnetized so they can hop in and out of the speeders at will.
Championship 1850 List
HQ: Chapter Master Pedro Kantor Iron Halo; Power Armour; Dorn's Arrow; Power Fist
Elite: Terminator Assault Squad
6 Terminator Assault Squad Lightning Claws (pair) x3; Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield x3;
1 Sergeant Lightning Claws (pair) x1
1 Land Raider Crusader
Multi-Melta; Hurricane Bolter x2; Twin Linked Assault Cannon
Elite: Sternguard Veteran Squad
5 Sternguard Veteran Squad Bolter x5
1 Sergeant Bolter; Power Fist
1 Razorback Twin Linked Heavy Bolter
Elite: Sternguard Veteran Squad
5 Sternguard Veteran Squad Bolter x5
1 Sergeant Combi-Meltagun; Power Fist
1 Razorback Twin Linked Heavy Bolter
Troops: Tactical Squad
9 Tactical Squad Bolter x7; Meltagun; Lascannon
1 Sergeant Bolter; Power Fist
1 Rhino Storm Bolter
Troops: Tactical Squad
9 Tactical Squad Bolt Bolter x7; Meltagun; Lascannon
1 Sergeant Bolter; Power Fist
1 Rhino Storm Bolter
Heavy Support: Predator
1 Predator Twin Linked Lascannon; Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Heavy Support: Predator
1 Predator Twin Linked Lascannon; Heavy Bolter Sponsons
Thoughts are... Pedro and Termies are in your face, with Sternguard/Razorback there to provide support. Both tactical squads stay back in rhinos firing lascannon shots and provide cover for predators (which also just sit back and fire preferably hull down). towards the end of the game, tactical squads move towards objectives. If the mission is annihilation, everyone stays together and makes the enemy come to me!
and here they are...

less than 2 days and still need to paint 5 death company for the team tournie and build display boards for (which I am off to do now).