There is a Grand Tournament only an hour away from me in November. It is Da Boyz GT and info can be found here http://daboyzgt.wordpress.com/da-boyz-gt/. I have decided to use my Eldar, since they won a tournament last month and going to a tourney that grades painting, will make me touch the army up. I will include some pictures soon, including my scorpian/swooping hawk/shinning spear autarch on jetbike. I thought i'd put up my army list first. I am trying to go for a good composition score, so the only things that i have 2 of is wave serpents and autarchs. I figure this is almost like a training force, almost all guardians(including drivers) except for a token Dire Avenger "recruiter" squad and the two autarchs. I will be working on story and a display board for the army. Winner of the tourney gets a free bid at The GT in Vegas, plus an eldar titan!!!!
Autarch on jetbike, laser lance, madiblasters (leads jetbikes) - 130
Autarch on foot, madiblasters, power weapon, fusion gun (leads storm guardians) - 100
10 Storm Guardians, 2 fusion guns, warlock, enhance - 132
in Wave serpent, shuriken cannon, twin linked missle launchers, spirit stones - 140
10 guardians, missle launcher, warlock, singing spear, destructor - 238
in Wave serpent, shuriken cannon, twin linked bright lances, spirit stones - 155
6 jetbikes, 2 shuriken cannons, warlock, singing spear, embolden - 205
5 dire avengers (1 exarch, diresword) rides in the Falcon - 82
3 vypers 3 missle launchers, 3 shuriken cannons - 225
Nightspinner, surriken cannon, Holofields, Spirit Stones -170
Fireprism, surriken cannon, Holofields, Spirit Stones - 170
Falocn, Bright Lance, surriken cannon, Holofields, Spirit Stones - 200
1847/1850 total
The idea is that I will try to get 2nd turn every game and keep everything in reserve. The Autarchs will let me arrive on a 2+ on turn 2. I will come in where the enemy is weakest and hopefully outside of the range of his big guns. This will force them to move losing more turns of shooting. I have 4 scoring units and the Dire Avengers are mostly there to make the Falcon scoring. Though I have killed big things before with the Diresword. It's a great FU to something big and scary. I appreciate any comments
Autarch on jetbike, laser lance, madiblasters (leads jetbikes) - 130
Autarch on foot, madiblasters, power weapon, fusion gun (leads storm guardians) - 100
10 Storm Guardians, 2 fusion guns, warlock, enhance - 132
in Wave serpent, shuriken cannon, twin linked missle launchers, spirit stones - 140
10 guardians, missle launcher, warlock, singing spear, destructor - 238
in Wave serpent, shuriken cannon, twin linked bright lances, spirit stones - 155
6 jetbikes, 2 shuriken cannons, warlock, singing spear, embolden - 205
5 dire avengers (1 exarch, diresword) rides in the Falcon - 82
3 vypers 3 missle launchers, 3 shuriken cannons - 225
Nightspinner, surriken cannon, Holofields, Spirit Stones -170
Fireprism, surriken cannon, Holofields, Spirit Stones - 170
Falocn, Bright Lance, surriken cannon, Holofields, Spirit Stones - 200
1847/1850 total
The idea is that I will try to get 2nd turn every game and keep everything in reserve. The Autarchs will let me arrive on a 2+ on turn 2. I will come in where the enemy is weakest and hopefully outside of the range of his big guns. This will force them to move losing more turns of shooting. I have 4 scoring units and the Dire Avengers are mostly there to make the Falcon scoring. Though I have killed big things before with the Diresword. It's a great FU to something big and scary. I appreciate any comments