Actually, he's here. Here are pictures to prove it.

This is a standard plastic Daemon prince with a couple small conversions. I liked the left hand, but thought it looked like it should be holding something. I created the fireball out of a large spawn eye, dryad limbs, and green stuff.

I also used a small spawn eye to make this third eye. This prince will be dedicated to Tzeentch and I thought the third "mystical" eye was a good way to show that.
I also painted the armor in Thousand Sons colors. However, my Sons are undercoated in black and the prince is undercoated in white. As a consequence, the armor is a lot lighter than my other Thousand Sons. No biggie, I guess.

Here is a rear shot.

Here is a shot of the base before I mounted the mini. As you can see, it has a Rhino door from everyone favorite Dark Angels successor chapter, the Angels of Absolution (Thanks for the painting tutorial, Nick)

Finally, here is a close up of the daemon face on the right arm.
scott, that is absolutely amazing! freaking great job. In complete awwwness!
The simple conversions coupled with a great paint job make this really stand out.
very impressive! I especially like the fading from blue to red you did, and the fireball in the hand looks awesome!
Thanks everyone! The kit was really a pleasure to build.
On to some horrors!
How... is that fireball attached? I can't see a connection point.
What sorcery is this?!
Actaully, it's attached that the thumb which is bent slighlty.
I'm glad that it's not super obvious.
This guy is super cool, I love the fireball!
Are those flames green stuff, or did it come w the model?
That flame and the eye, along with the color scheme, really give him a unique look!
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