A few years back, I picked up a couple lots of Epic Steel Legion models from various sources for cheap. I found myself the (at the time) not-so-proud owner of a couple of forgeworld models, and a ton of infantry and armor.
The casts were kind of poor, and I had never messed with the scale at all. It seemed to lack details, and ended up sitting on the shelves for months (maybe years, it's hard to remember).
I piddled with them a little, but they mostly sat unused until I was asked to actually play a game (please note that this trend continues with my nearly 1000 point Soviet Flames of War army, that I still haven't played a single game with) by a fellow compatriot of this blog. I think his excitement was contagious, and I ended up getting really amped up about the 6mm scale and tactical aspect of GW's Epic game.
Since then, a lot of things have gotten kicked into high gear for me, but I've tried to make painting models a priority for me lately, and have been quite prolific.
So, I wanted to document my work towards my first 10,000 points of epic, that I plan to have done sometime before the end of the year. I really have grown to quickly like the scale of the models, and the ease in which they paint up.
For this army, I'm not going for ultra-detailed, but rather "completed". I'm doing a very quick 2 color grey drybrush over black primer, and then throwing on some details. I am generally painting up a unit a night on average, with weekends seeing a bit more completed.
The titan is of the War Griffon Legio, and the rest of my army is a standard Steel Legion force.
I'm currently at a little bit above 3000, with another 4000 or so partially or nearly completed... Here are the first glimpses.
In progress shot of warhound for scale comparison. This model was very poorly casted. I turned it into some battle damage 
My first completed superheavy company, also from Forgeworld, and also poor casts. Some of the details were completely washed out. I have another Shadowsword company that i'm working on that started out in much better shape.